The Doctoral Consortium will be held in the Georgia Tech Hotel, Conference Room A. It is connected to the Global Learning Center on the 2nd floor.
Time | Activity | Room 222 | Room 330 | Room 334 |
8:30 |
Welcome |
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9:00 |
Keynote |
Meredith Ringel Morris
bio Director and Principal Scientist for Human-AI Interaction, Google DeepMind
talkAnticipating the Impacts of Agentic Interactions: From Assistants to Clones to Ghosts
Discussant: Mark Riedl
10:15 |
Break |
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10:45 |
Invited talks |
Jeff Bigham
bio Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
talkNo Free Lunch: How Agency and Expertise Shape Responsible Interaction with Generative AI
Catherine D'Ignazio
bio Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning, MIT
talkAnother AI is Possible
Milind Tambe
bio Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Research on Computation and Society, Harvard University
talkFoundation models: Accelerating AI for public health and social impact
11:15 |
Invited talks |
Chris MacLellan
bio Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech
talkYour AI, Your Way: Enabling Educators and Teams with Teachable AI
Neha Kumar
bio Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
talkPost-growth X Health
Cindy Lin
bio Stephen Fleming Early Career Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech
talkAn Alternative AI from the Monocrop World
11:45 |
Discussions |
Discussant: Ari Schlesinger |
Discussant: Jennifer Kim |
Discussant: Josiah Hester |
12:00 |
Lunch |
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1:30 |
Keynote |
Tiffany Veinot
bio Joan C Durrance Collegiate Professor of Information and Associate Dean of the School of Information, University of Michigan
talkHow digital interventions can worsen health inequalities—and what we can do about it: The Equitable PRAXIS Method
Discussant: Andrea Parker
2:45 |
Break |
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3:15 |
Invited talks |
Tal August
bio Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
talkAI for Science Communication: Adapting to Different Stakeholders
Desmond Patton
bio Brian and Randi Schwartz University Professor, University of Pennsylvania
talkAI for Gun Violence Prevention: Opportunities and Ethical Challenges
Pedro Lopes
bio Associate Professor, University of Chicago
talkComputational Recycling: building tools & devices that engage users with e-waste
3:45 |
Invited talks |
Alan Ritter
bio Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
talkCost Efficient Use of Pre-trained Models
Munmun De Choudhury
bio Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
talkThe Meaning of Human Connection in a Post-AI World: Lessons from and for Digital Mental Health
Heidi Biggs
bio Assistant Professor, School of Literature, Media, and Communication, Georgia Tech
talkReframing Climate Data: Situating Data in Histories in Place
4:15 |
Discussions |
Discussant: Kartik Goyal |
Discussant: Betsy DiSalvo |
Discussant: Neha Kumar |
4:30 |
Short Break |
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4:45 |
Invited talks |
Hima Lakkaraju
bio Assistant Professor of Business and Computer Science, Harvard University
talkMechanics and Ethics of Search Engine Optimization and Explainability in the Era of LLMs
Stephen Pfohl
bio Senior Research Scientist, Google
talkAlgorithmic fairness and responsible AI for health equity
Udit Gupta
bio Assistant Professor, Cornell Tech
talkSustainable AI: Challenges, Implications, and Opportunities
5:15 |
Invited talks |
Upol Ehsan
bio Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Berkman Klein Fellow, Harvard
talkHuman-centered Explainable AI: why 'who' opens the black-box matters
Rosa Arriaga
bio Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
talkForms of Accountability at the Intersection of Science and Design: Implications from Human-Centered AI for Health and Wellness
Clio Andris
bio Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning and Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
talkHouse Calls: Machine Learning for Savannah's Urban Planners
5:45 |
Discussions |
Discussant: Sonia Chernova |
Discussant: Alex Adams |
Discussant: Cindy Lin |
6:00 |
Reception and DC Posters |
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Time | Activity | Room 222 | Room 330 |
8:45 |
Welcome |
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9:00 |
Invited Talk |
Orly Lobel
bio Warren Distinguished Professor of Law, and Director, Center for Employment and Labor Policy, University of San Diego
talkHow to Build Equality Machines: Rationally Harnessing Digital Tech for Scale, Inclusion, and Comparative Advantages
9:30 |
Invited Talk |
Divyansh Kaushik
bio Vice President, Beacon Global Strategies
talkThe View from Washington: AI as a Dual Use Technology
10:00 |
Discussion |
Discussant: Deven Desai |
10:15 |
Break |
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10:45 |
Invited talks |
Jesse Thomason
bio Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
talkUse AI Grout without Losing AI Grit
Chinasa T. Okolo
bio Research Fellow, The Brookings Institution
talkPolicy Perspectives on Advancing Human-Centered AI for Global Health
11:15 |
Invited talks |
Matthew Gombolay
bio Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
talkExplainable AI in Neurology Decision Support: Empowering Tool or Double-edged Sword?
Naveena Karusala
bio Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech
talkDesigning Human-Centered and Care-ful AI-Mediated Futures of Work
11:45 |
Discussions |
Discussant: Zsolt Kira |
Discussant: Christina Harrington |
12:00 |
Lunch |
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1:30 |
Invited talk |
Sorelle Friedler
bio Shibulal Family Professor of Computer Science, Haverford College
talkFrom Principles to Practice: current U.S. federal AI policy and what comes next
2:00 |
Invited talk |
Jacob Metcalf
bio Program Director, AI on the Ground, Data & Society
talkAuditing Work: Lessons about Algorithmic Accountability from NYC's Hiring Algorithm Auditing Law
2:30 |
Discussion |
Discussant: Naveena Karusala |
2:45 |
Closing |
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